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I think it's gonna be a good year.

 Hello, 2017!

I think you know what's happening here. At the risk of seeming cliché, I have resolved to start blogging again this year. YAY! 😊 To my former readers (all four of you), this may cause you to cringe. To my current readers, you may already be bored. Nonetheless, I will attempt to press onward in my efforts to use this blog as an outlet for the duration of this year. I have come to the conclusion that, despite the fears and insecurities that would paralyze me from typing these very words, writing is always beneficial to me. And, even if I am the only person who experiences this blog, then it will still be worth writing. 

That being said, I won't bore you (or myself) with an exceedingly lengthy first-post. I will, however, give a glimpse into what my life looks like right now - in 2017.

My Life (2017) 

  • I am 30 years old and not-so-anxiously awaiting my 31st birthday at the end of this month. Husband just turned 35 years old last month. Sheesh.
  • Husband and I also celebrated our 10-year wedding anniversary last month. We celebrated with a weekend-trip to Houston and Austin, spending one evening savoring the ear candy of Jim James. Swoon. 😍
  • Son turned 7 years old in November and is "loving" (meaning "absolutely hating") first grade. He attends the same school I attended from 2nd-12th grade. Crazy.
  • I am officially at the halfway point of pursuing my M.Ed. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at LSU. Classes resume in a couple of weeks, and I'm on the fence about whether I am ready or not. Christmas break has proven that life feels better when I get more sleep.
  • I am a cosmetologist and have worked off-and-on at one particular lovely, warm salon for almost ten years. Currently, I am working about 2-4 days per month. My clients, including friends and family, are truly gracious and kind to endure my scheduling and allow me to continue expressing my creativity in this way. If you are one of those people, thank you.
  • I am a graduate assistant at a fantastic office on-campus and assist with event coordinating. My supervisor is a gem, and the team with which I have the privilege of working is absolutely amazing. Many days, the love and encouragement I have received from people in that office, both current and past employees, have been nourishment to my weary soul. 
  • Husband and I are members of a church (let's call it, "K"). I have been a member of K for 16+ years, Husband for 10+ years, and Son...well, his whole life. I experienced the gift of salvation at K and gained family in Christ. During our time at K, Husband and I have both served at one point or another in the areas of music ministry, children's ministry, and youth ministry.
  • Until the Great Flood of 2016, I regularly volunteered at a local women's prison with a one-of-a-kind prison ministry. On occasion, I (imperfectly and in humble weakness) assisted with leading worship and sharing my testimony and God's Word. But, I experienced the heart of God most in listening to and praying with the ladies behind bars. The void of those precious women in my life is certainly one of the many wounds inflicted by that stupid flood. 
  • We live in a rural town in which my husband grew up. We are surrounded by sugar cane fields, dirt, crawfish ponds, dirt, and some of my husband's family members. And, more dirt. I actually have a special appreciation for this tiown, though we do not believe it will be our forever home.
  • I have three older sisters. I'll call them "Oldest," "Older," and "Sister." (<---Thanks for this idea, Tim Frost. Also, READ HIS BOOK, The Family Portrait.) They married three uniquely wonderful men and produced for me seven total (plus one angel) perfect nieces and nephews. Husband has one brother and one sister, and they (with their spouses) have added to the niece/nephew bundle three more children collectively. #blessed 😜
  • Mother and Father are still living, which is quite a gift. They are no longer married, but 17-years post-divorce, I think I am finally coming to terms with the fact that it is for the best. 
  • I think about and miss one of my dearest friends and "brother," E, every day. Although things have been different between us over the past few years, E is still alive and for that I am extremely thankful. 
  • I currently have an "objective other" in my life whose name, for the purposes of this blog, will be "Counselor." Counselor is an answer to much prayer and has helped me to see the Light in dark times. I pray that he and his family are richly blessed, as he continues to pour out compassion and truth into my life and the lives of others. 
  • These are just a handful of the concepts I am presently working through and learning about at the inception of the year 2017: 
    • Identity
    • Intimacy
    • Idolatry
    • Compassion
    • GRACE
Wow. Writing that out makes me feel simply grateful. I'll end this with a quote from the book I just finished reading (*Reminder to self: I'd like to do this at the end of each post!):
"What if all the years, all the wandering and wounded ways, what if it all found fully sufficient grace just there: sometimes what we think may break us is but a brake to save us. Sometimes what we feel weighing us down is the way He draws us closer. Sometimes what we believe is keeping us from more is a way to keep us close enough to know more of who we are: beloved." - Ann Voskamp, The Broken Way
Oh, Lord. I effort myself to joyfully surrender to Your braking. I believe that You are drawing me closer to You today and that You DO love me. I trust that You can and will use all things for good. Thank You for patiently and compassionately enduring the process of teaching me these things, as I grapple with them daily. Amen.


  1. Add one "follower" to your blog. We are all grappling with similar questions and situations in life. It helps to hear another's thoughts on this journey of ours to reach the most important and Ultimate Goal.

    1. It's so good to hear from you, and I'm glad to know I'm not alone in the questioning! Thank you for the encouragement and affirmation! ❤️


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